Know before you go
Do you ever feel like your writing isn’t organized? Or that when you have to speak before a group, your ideas aren’t coming across clearly? Do you ever just pick up the phone rather than going through all the trouble of writing a long email to a client or co-worker?
Strangely enough, the root of all of these issues is likely just a lack of planning. Get into the habit of planning your thoughts before you share them in writing or in a presentation. Don’t just “wing” it!
Ask yourself the following questions to prepare. It will only take a few minutes and before long, you’ll build that “muscle memory” of planning so that you’ll automatically think through your answers before writing an important email or presenting to a group.
Here are the 5 things you should make sure you “know before go.”
1. Know yourself
Who are you in relation to the information you’re sharing? Are you an expert or are you seeking information? Are you a colleague or the boss? Are you trying to solve a problem or persuade your listeners/readers to do something? Are you asking for help or giving directions? What’s your role?
2. Know your audience
Who are you speaking or writing to? What do you want them to do or understand? How might be the best way to “reach” them? What does your audience already know and what do they need to know?
3. Know your destination
Where are you heading? What’s the most important idea you’re sharing? What are your main points? What is the endpoint that you need your audience to reach?
4. Know your path
What format is best: presentation, email, phone call, text message? What support, arguments, examples, etc do you need in order to get you and your audience to the main idea or action point? How are you going to get to your destination or main idea?
5. Know your reason
Why are you sharing this information? Why should your audience care? Why does this matter or why is it important?
Knowing your answers to these questions in advance will train you to write or present your ideas clearly and explain your thoughts thoroughly. If you don’t have a plan, chances are you’re going to get lost on your way to your main idea. and your readers and listeners will end up feeling lost and frustrated.
A few minutes of planning can make a huge difference in reaching your goal of communicating clearly and effectively!
If you’d like to practice your writing or presentation skills and build your organizational “muscle memory,” contact me for a free, friendly video chat so we can talk about your goals together.