
Whether it’s a speech, an introduction, an interview, or a presentation, most people get nervous about speaking in public. You either don’t know what to say or you don’t know how to stop talking!

A quick fix that I give my clients who are preparing to present is: know your way in and know your way out. If you get a little bit lost in the middle, don’t worry about it! No one will notice if you make a strong first impression and have a confident closing.

Know your way in

Memorize your first few words or even the first few words of each section if you’re giving a longer presentation. This will prevent you from getting lost and will jog your memory if you forget what comes next.

Writing a few keywords on a notecard can help jumpstart your brain. And once you get going, you should be able to remember what you’ve practiced.

Know your way out

Even people who are scared to death of speaking in public often don’t know when to stop talking! Nothing is more uncomfortable for you and your audience than when you just keep talking without knowing how to wrap up.

Plan ahead and know how you’re going to finish your introduction or your speech. Again, choose a few keywords that you know you’re going to use in closing. You’re much more likely to “stick your landing” if you have your eyes fixed on your finish.

So, remember, if you’re getting ready for an interview or need to introduce yourself to a group, or if you’re preparing to give a presentation, my “quick fix” is: Know your way in & know your way out!